Sunday, February 14, 2010

wow valentine's day... exciting right? the time for boxes of chocolates and bunches of red roses... love is in the air. mushy movies and passionate offerings and speeches... and here's that day which has painted the whole town red... so...

Thursday, February 11, 2010


Many a things have caught my eye
In this world of mystery and satire.
Some for their shine and sheen
And some for their very lack of it all.
But one thing that would never
Go away from me
Would be the understanding
In that one smile.
She stood there
Waiting for whatever I'd to give;
Never expecting much;
Happy with what
I deemed to bestow on her.
She never did complain
Not when I opened my Pandora's box,
Or when I let out them hungry locusts on her.
She just took my hand,
Never leaving my side.
The girl stood there
Waiting for me
With that smile that
Never did snuff out on me.
I stand there grateful,
A bit sheepish, a weak little smile.
She still stands there waiting,
With that smile,
That I've fallen in love with...

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