Saturday, December 12, 2015

tamarind rhymes...

salted, dried and in the sun
green ebbing towards the darkest gold
they lie, destined to inspire every tongue
they have since ages of old...
tamarind rhymes
my tongue testifies; stands witness
to the salty tang, timeless against time;
solvent in air, riding the worldly waves...

couplets... never finding a beginning nor an end...


dewdrops on the white
tender to the eye
caressed by the evening wind
like a lover's kiss flown in every night...


prickly and touchy like the porcupines making love
painful it starts, flowing into an ocean, lovingly passionate
touch and you move away, never knowing the beauty beneath
alas! for man has always been so short sighted, inanimate


are footprints possible only in the sand
oh the very air bursts, flows electrified by your touch
documenting details beyond compare
for you are one, immeasurable, pretty much...

what is with me and fallen flowers?

Rainbow socks...

A kiss is still a kiss...

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